The Village of Muttontown has four boards. All Muttontown Village Officials are volunteers and are not paid for the services they provide to the Village of Muttontown. We encourage all residents who are interested in serving on a board to contact the Village Clerk’s office at Katie Dugan for more information.
Board of Trustees
Site and Architectural Review Board (SARB)
Planning Board
Zoning Board of Appeals
Board of Trustees
The Incorporated Village of Muttontown is governed by a Mayor and six Trustees each elected to four-year terms. This seven-member governing body is empowered to enact local ordinances, levy municipal taxes and conduct the affairs of the Village. In almost all cases, it can review and approve the actions of other Incorporated Village of Muttontown committees and agencies. The Mayor and Board of Trustees conduct all of their business during monthly meetings or scheduled work sessions, which are both open to the public. See the calendar for a complete listing of dates and times. All legislative powers of the Village are exercised by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. These powers can take the form of a resolution, local law or proclamation.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule & Agendas
View our Meetings Calendar page for schedules and agendas.
Minutes from Past Meetings
Click here to view Meeting Minutes.
Dr. James M. Liguori has been a resident of Muttontown for over 15 years where he has raised his three children with his wife, Barbara. He trained at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and has been a practicing board certified neurologist for over 20 years. In addition to being an Honorary NYPD Surgeon, he is also a member of the Nassau County Department of Health Reserve Corps.
Dr. Sudha Prasad has been a resident of Muttontown for over 20 years where she has raised her three children with her husband, Dr. Amiya Prasad. A practicing pediatrician for 28 years, she trained at Boston University School of Medicine and Weill Cornell Medical Center and worked at NYU Winthrop in Hempstead, NY as Clinical Director of Pediatric Care. She is currently CEO of Prasad Cosmetic Surgery and Chair of the Education Committee for Nassau County Pediatric Society.
Toni Bardong has been a resident of Muttontown for over 4 years. She and her husband Steve purchased one of Muttontown’s historic homes where they are raising their 5 children. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Lawrence University and worked in the fashion industry before moving to Long Island. An avid volunteer, Toni was a member of the SARB board and currently serves on the Community Activities Committee, as well as several committees in her children’s schools.
Chris Economou has been a resident of the Muttontown area for over 30 years, raising four children with his wife, Anthie. He earned his J.D. from St. John’s School of Law and is currently an attorney-at-law and Partner at Economou & Economou, P.C. in Syosset, NY. Formerly a Parish Council Member and Parishioner at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, he is currently an Executive Board Member St. Edward’s, CYO, and Commissioner of St. Edward’s Girls’ Basketball/Volleyball.
Brian Fagen has been a resident of Muttontown for over 11 years where he is raising two children with his wife, Randi. He earned his B.A from Indiana University and his J.D. at St. John’s School of Law. Formerly the Executive Vice President of Prestige Toy Corp and a former Prosecutor with the King’s County District Attorney’s Office, he is currently a licensed associate real estate broker with Douglas Elliman Real Estate and a member of the Board of Trustees for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Long Island Chapter.
Michael Schloss has been a resident of Muttontown for over 21 years where he has raised his two children with his wife, Julie. He studied Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California. He has worked in the digital imaging and office technology industry for over 30 years. He is actively involved in numerous organizations advancing the performing arts and education. Michael previously served on the Village of Muttontown Site and Architectural Review Board.
Mohinder Singh has been a resident of Oyster Bay since 1986 and a resident of Muttontown for over 4 years. He operates several local businesses including Dunkin’ Donuts Baskin Robbins stores and Pizza Hut stores in both Nassau County and Suffolk County. He is a part of all the local Sikh Temples in Nassau County, namely in Hicksville, Plainview and Glen Cove and he has held positions of Treasurer, Trustee and Vice President.
Site and Architectural Review Board (SARB)
The SARB examines the exterior design of properties within the Village to ensure they retain the character of the neighborhood and are in accordance with appearance standards of the Village. All plans for new buildings, as well as alterations or additions to existing buildings, must be reviewed by the SARB as part of the permit process.
The Site and Architectural Review Board (SARB) is comprised of seven members who are appointed for a one year term. In addition to attending the meetings, Board members are encouraged to review applications and conduct site visits to the subject properties prior to the meeting. See the calendar for a complete listing of meeting dates and times.
For more information, please contact The Building Clerk
SARB Meeting Schedule & Agendas
View our Meetings Calendar page for schedules and agendas.
Members Include:
Vinny Scialli – Chairperson
Stephan Economou
Amy Wilson
Anthie Economou
Telmo Dasilva
Justin Stillitano
Randi Lehman
Tommy Regoukos – Alternate
Planning Board
The Planning Board reviews plans for the development of vacant areas, streets, parks, and other public places, as well as subdivisions of private property, to ensure consistency with established Village standards. Applicants for all new buildings and altered land use activities will appear before this Board. This seven member board is appointed for terms of five years. See the calendar for a complete listing of meeting dates and times.
For more information, please contact Katie Dugan
Planning Board Meeting Schedule & Agendas
View our Meetings Calendar page for schedules and agendas.
Members Include:
Santosh Mathai
Heidi Powers
John Farrell
Scott Verch
Dr. Jian Cui
Kimberly Klein
Barbara Williams
Rosemary Levitt – Darshan Mehta – Alternates
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board is responsible for interpreting the Zoning Code and makes decisions on applications for variances and special permits. This seven member board is appointed for three year terms. See the calendar for a complete listing of meeting dates and times.
For more information, please contact The Building Clerk
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Schedule & Agendas
View our Meetings Calendar page for schedules and agendas.
Members Include:
Elisabetta Coschignano – Chairperson
Barbara Liguori
Ronnie Schindel
Steven Levitt
Emma Lind
Lou Baldino
Howard Brill
Debasis Adhikari – Harpreet Singh – Alternates
There are two justices who serve in the Muttontown Village Court. One is the Elected Village Justice and the other is the Associate Village Justice.
Nicholas J. Massimo – Elected Village Justice
The elected Village Justice is a public officer duly elected to a four year term by the residents. The Justice serves on the bench of the Village Justice Court to hear all matters related to the Muttontown Village Court.
Nicholas J. Massimo has been a resident of Muttontown for over 4 years, raising two children with his wife, Sarah. He earned his Bachelor of Accountancy from The George Washington University and his J.D. from the Cardozo School of Law. He is currently an attorney-at-law and Partner at Massimo & Panetta, P.C. in Mineola, NY and is also a Director and Past President of the Board of Directors of the Nassau County Legal Aid Society.